High voltage power line in Adelaide

Tips for Reducing Power Costs

If you’re worried about the rising cost of energy, you’re not alone. Throughout South Australia, thousands of households are battling against their energy bills. As commodities that usually become more expensive over time rather than getting cheaper, gas and electricity can take a significant chunk out of your household budget. At Precise Plumbing & Electrical,…

Smart Meter App displaying Monthly Spend

The Benefits of Having a Smart Meter

If you’re like most people, energy is probably one of your biggest expenditures. If you’re managing a busy family home, your bills may creep up during certain months. From the cost of summer air conditioning to heating in the winter, it all contributes to hefty bills for your household. At Precise Plumbing & Electrical, we…

Kitchen sink with clogged drain, full of dirty water

10 Tips to Clear Any Blocked Drain

Of all the reasons to call on a plumber, a blocked drain is one of the most common. From foul smells to water that simply won’t drain, blocked sinks are the root cause of all kinds of minor problems. When these issues are allowed to get worse, however, life can quickly become pretty nightmarish. If…

Plumbing Jargon Explained

Plumbing Jargon Explained Plumbers talk can sometimes be confusing and sound like gibberish to the untrained ear. There’s 1000’s of parts and so many intricate components to your homes plumbing systems. As plumbers we’ve founded our own language and terminology to describe, explain and identify components of our trade. We thought this would be a…

Evaporative Air Conditioner – Winter Shutdown

Evaporative Air Conditioner ‘Winter Shutdown’ As Adelaide’s cooler weather arrives, its time to book in your Evaporative Air Conditioner ‘Winter Shutdown’. Correctly shutting down your evaporative air conditioner in winter has a number of associated benefits including; improving the heating efficiency of your home reducing the risk of bacteria and algae growth in the reservoir…

Dixie Dunbar Classic

Precise Plumbing & Electrical Proud Sponsor of the Dixie Dunbar Classic Precise Plumbing & Electrical is proud to be the major sponsor of the Dixie Dunbar Classic – Somerton Park Bowls Tournament. Dixie Dunbar was a well respected member of the Somerton Bowling Club. After his passing it was revealed that he bequeathed a large…

Seasons Greetings

Seasons Greetings To all our customers, suppliers, family and friends, thanks again for another fantastic year. Wishing you all a very Merry Christmas and a Happy, Healthy and Prosperous New Year! MERRY CHRISTMAS! From all of us at Precise

Christmas checklist

15 Point Home Christmas Checklist Now is a great time of year to check around your home and tidy up all the bits and pieces you’ve been putting off – before the family comes around!   Here’s a little checklist to help make sure your home is ready for Christmas. Just click and print. If…

Drain Relining

Why Dig? When you can Reline! Ever been inconvenienced by blocked drains, or have ongoing problems in your drains that are just too hard or expensive to fix? Pipe relining is fast becoming the alternate solution for non-intrusive sewer drain pipe repairs. Drain relining is a cost effective, environmentally friendly and non-destructive approach to fixing…